
Corporate Structure

Cenergy Holdings S.A.

Cenergy Holdings is the mother company of Hellenic Cables, representing the cables segment, and Corinth Pipeworks, the steel pipes segment. Cenergy Holdings is a subsidiary of Viohalco.

* Consolidated as equity accounted investees

The diagram above presents only the significant components of Cenergy Holdings Group

Board of Directors

Hellenic Cables S.A.
Hellenic Cables Industry S.A.’s Board of Directors is composed of eight members who are elected from the general assembly of the company’s shareholders.
Chairman of the board

Ioannis Batsolas

Deputy Chairman

Constantinos Laios

Other Executive Members

Michael Diakogiannis

Alexis Alexiou

Ioannis Stavropoulos

Georgios Passas

Christos Siaperas

Spyridon Martinis

Fulgor S.A.
Fulgor's Board of Directors is composed of seven members who are elected from the general assembly of the company's shareholders.
Chairman of the Board, Non-Executive Member

Ioannis Batsolas

Deputy Chairman, Executive Member

Georgios Passas

Other Executive Members of the Board

Alexios Alexiou

Ioannis Theonas

Evangelos Piperis

Nikolaos Vrontisis

Evangelos Venieris

Icme Ecab S.A.
Icme Ecab’s Board of Directors is composed of nine members who are elected from the general assembly of the company’s shareholders and out of which eight are non-executive members
Chairman of the Board, Non-Executive Member

Constantinos Laios

Executive Members of the Board

Eusebiu Muthi

Non-Executive Members of the Board

Rudolph Johann Wiedenmann

Alexios Alexiou

Petros Michas

Konstantinos Andreopoulos

Ioannis Batsolas

Valentna Siclovan

Maria Kapetanaki

Evangelos Venieris

 Corporate Management

Hellenic Cables S.A.
Onshore-Organizational Structure
Fulgor S.A.
Offshore-Organizational Structure
Icme Ecab S.A.
Organizational Structure