Cablel Hellenic Cables at Jicable 2019

Athens June 27, 2019
Cablel Hellenic Cables at Jicable 2019Jicable, is the major international conference about Insulated Power Cables, held every four years since 1984. Cablel Hellenic Cables experts took an active part in the technical conferences and has co-authored six conference papers at Jicable 2019 (Versailles-France, 23-27 June) focusing specifically on its capabilities and expertise in high voltage and extra-high voltage cables, and on its particular strengths in the submarine cable market.
- “Capacitive and Inductive Coupling in Cable Systems – Comparative Study between Calculation Methods”, CHRYSOCHOS Andreas, ALEXANDROU Konstantinos, CHATZIPETROS Dimitrios, KOSSYVAKIS Dimitrios, PAVLOU Konstantinos, TASTAVRIDIS Konstantinos, GEORGALLIS Georgios; Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A., Athens, Greece, ANDERS George J.; Technical University of Lodz, Poland
- “Modeling of the Thermoelectric Performance of a ±320 kV HVDC Underground Cable System”, CHRYSOCHOS Andreas, CHATZIPETROS Dimitrios, CHYTIRIS Nathanail, PAVLOU Konstantinos, TASTAVRIDIS Konstantinos, GEORGALLIS Georgios, Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A., Athens, Greece
- “Sheath circulating currents calculation in asymmetrical installation schemes for power frequency models”, ALEXANDROU Konstantinos, TASTAVRIDIS Konstantinos, GEORGALLIS Georgios; Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A., Viohalco Group, Athens, Greece, ANDERS George J.; Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science of the Technical University of Lodz, Poland
- “Load and fatigue evaluation for 66 kV floating offshore wind submarine dynamic power cable”, THIES Philipp, HARROLD Magnus J, JOHANNING Lars; University of Exeter, Penryn, United Kingdom, GRIVAS Konstantinos, GEORGALLIS Georgios; Fulgor SA, Athens, Greece
- An updated method for evaluating current sharing between parallel single-core cables: Case studies and correlation with field measurements, LESUR Frédéric; Nexans, Calais, France KLINK Jacob; TU Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal, Germany KOSSYVAKIS Dimitrios; Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A.,
- Overview of CIGRE WG B1.56 Regarding the verification of cable current ratings, Frank DE WILD, DNV GL, George J. ANDERS Technical University of Lodz, Varvara RIZOU Hellenic Cables SA
About Hellenic Cables
Cablel® Hellenic Cables represents the cable production segment of Cenergy Holdings SA, and is one of the largest cable producers in Europe, manufacturing power and telecom cables as well as submarine cables for various industries, including offshore wind and power grid connections, while also undertaking the completion of turnkey power transmission and distribution projects. The Company’s production base comprises four plants in Greece and one in Bulgaria, including the submarine cables’ plant of its subsidiary, Fulgor, where the production and testing of some of the longest submarine cable lengths without joint on a worldwide basis is empowered by the Company’s state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Cablel® Hellenic Cables recently implemented a EUR 150 million approx. investment plan for the manufacture of high-voltage and extra high-voltage submarine cables at Fulgor’s plant. Looking ahead, additional investments in technology and innovative cable solutions are planned, as a way of contributing to the creation of a sustainable future for its stakeholders. For further information please visit our corporate website at