Convening notice Icme Ecab s.a.

Bucharest, February 19, 2020
Considering the Decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders no. 1 / 09.12.2019, by which it was decided the conversion of the shares of the Company, from bearer to nominative shares, the shareholders are invited to present at the professional headquarters of SCA Drakopoulos and Associates, in 5 Lunei Str., District 2, Bucharest, (telephone +40 213 000 154, fax +40 213 183 143) , in order to implement the procedures related to the conversion and registration in the register of shareholders and in the register of shares of the Company.
The bearer shares can be deposited within 18 months from the entry into force of Law no. 129/2019, respectively until 21.01.2021.
The non-deposited shares are annulled at the expiration of the above term according to the provisions of art.61 of Law 129/2019.
The employees of ICME ECAB SA who have the quality of shareholders of the company can submit the bearer shares they hold at the company headquarters also, on 05.03.2020, hours 11.00am, in the presence of a representative of SCA Drakopoulos and Associates; the handing over will be made upon the identity cards.