Hellenic Cables S.A. gets Gold award at Energy Mastering Awards 2017

Athens, June 27th, 2017
Hellenic Cables won the Gold prize at the Energy Mastering Awards 2017,for an energy saving project at its Compounding plant, held for the second consecutive year, at the Hellenic Automobile Museum, on Tuesday, May 30, 2017.The Energy Mastering Awards recognize and reward the best energy-efficient, conservation and sustainable practices in Greece and are organised by the Plant magazine of Boussias Communications, with the honorary support of the Hellenic Electric Automobile Institute and KAPE (Renewable Energy Sources Center). In the framework of the Corporate Responsibility initiative of Hellenic Cables S.A. and its commitment for Sustainable Development, respecting the environment and man, the company undertook an electric power conservation study, for its Rubber and Plastic Compounding Plant, at Oinofyta, Viotia, in collaboration with the specialised technical services company Redexd S.A..
The study researched and analysed the electrical power network of the plant, related to the quality of the power supply and submitted tailor-made solutions for this particular application. The project aimed at electrical power conservation, by improving the quality of the supply and the decrease of power distribution losses, following the pilot installation of equipment supplied by Redex S.A. The percentage of electrical power savings, during the first nine months, following the equipment’s installation, was 4.7%. In parallel, a decrease of CO2 indirect emissions, by 312 tonnes per annum is expected
This award confirms the course of Hellenic Cables S.A. towards Sustainable Development and responsible business practices and strengthens its continual efforts to operate in such a manner, that energy is conserved, resource use is minimised and its environmental footprint is minimised as far as possible.
About Hellenic Cables
Cablel® Hellenic Cables represents the cable production segment of Cenergy Holdings SA, and is one of the largest cable producers in Europe, manufacturing power and telecom cables as well as submarine cables for various industries, including offshore wind and power grid connections, while also undertaking the completion of turnkey power transmission and distribution projects. The Company’s production base comprises four plants in Greece and one in Bulgaria, including the submarine cables’ plant of its subsidiary, Fulgor, where the production and testing of some of the longest submarine cable lengths on a worldwide basis is empowered by the Company’s state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Cablel® Hellenic Cables recently implemented a EUR 120 million approx. investment plan for the manufacture of high-voltage and extra high-voltage submarine cables at Fulgor’s plant. Looking ahead, additional investments in technology and innovative cable solutions are planned, as a way of contributing to the creation of a sustainable future for its stakeholders.