Hellenic Cables aims to promote corporate business ethics, safeguard a transparent operation and align its strategy with stakeholder interests.
ESG risks management
The Board of Directors has validated the Company’s established Environment, Social and Governance Roadmap (“ESG Roadmap”), which reflects Hellenic Cables’ strategy as well as commitment to address and manage all material ESG issues by creating policies, internal controls and monitoring performance by a comprehensive set of performance indicators.
Main goal and purpose of our ESG strategy is to address the respective risks arising in our value chain and mitigate them by developing and adapting a systematic approach.
The approval and effective implementation of the Roadmap is underpinned by the creation of all necessary corporate structures and due diligence mechanisms. Furthermore, the Board of Directors of Cenergy, the holding company of Hellenic Cables, is tasked with the oversight of the ESG strategy, risks and issues, as well as the progress of the ESG Roadmap.
Ensuring responsible operations
Hellenic Cables intends to operate in all of its activities honestly, ethically and transparently and always in line with the applicable laws, regulations and standards. The Company communicates these commitments in its policies and codes.
Business Code of Conduct
Supply Chain Management and Due Diligence
Whistleblowing Mechanism
The mechanism is open to reports from employees as well as customers, suppliers or other third parties. All reports are treated confidentially by an external party so comprehensive protection is ensured for the reporting party.
Integrity Hotline
To raise a concern or issue related to our company that is not in line with our Business Practices use our Integrity Hotline page. Individuals have the right to remain anonymous when reporting a concern or issue.
Data Management and Privacy Risk
Hellenic Cables recognizes the need to protect personal data, not only as a legal compliance requirement vs the 2016/679 EU General Data Protection Regulation and other standing legislation, but also for the added value and competitive advantage it offers. The company is committed to protecting the personal data of employees, customers, suppliers, partners and investors. The aim is to adhere to the international standards and best practices and thus minimize risk against the privacy of individuals and their personal data. To that end, Hellenic Cables adopted and implemented a Personal Data Protection Policy, set specific roles, procedures and controls for the protection of personal data throughout their its activities’ spectrum, along with the establishment of overviewing mechanisms on risk mitigation actions and their continuous improvement.